Axicon 12800 2D DPM Verifier for Direct Part Marking - V12800
Model 12800 Axicon Verifier with 03-20 Aperture suitable for DPM - and GS1 DataMatrix
The Axicon 12800 has been specially designed to verify direct-part-marked barcodes, including Data Matrix, GS1 DataMatrix, QR Code, and GS1 QR Code two-dimensional symbols, whether laser-etched or dot peen. The smallest x-dimension is 0.150 mm or 6 mil. It has nine different lighting options to enable verification in accordance with ISO/IEC 15415 and the AIM Quality Guideline (ISO/IEC TR 29158). The Axicon 12800 allows for the angle of illumination to be set at 30º, 45º, or 90º, as required by the particular application. For 30º illumination, you can choose from four or two sides to minimise the effect of specular reflection. The field of view is 34 mm x 25.5 mm, and the verifier may also be used to verify linear barcodes in accordance with ISO/IEC 15416, provided they are no wider than 34 mm.
Features & Benefits
Fully compliant with ISO/IEC 15426-1 and 15426-2, the verifier conformance standards, and ISO/IEC 15415 and 15416, the barcode print quality specifications. It also provides the data files needed to meet the requirements of the USA CFR 21 part 11 regulations.
CCD sensor-based 2D barcode verifier. Aperture selectable to suit application standard. Wavelength of light 660 nm.
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